"Wow great pics of Hilary but the best ones are the ones of them eating."

"Oh wait a minute, did you mention Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men (2007), Noah Cross from Chinatown (1974) or Khan from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)?"

"I think for Halloween dressing up as Preacher Harry Powell from The Night of the Hunter (1955) and singing that "Leaning... leaning" song while going from house to house would be fun."

"For Spielberg I would have put Schindler's List ahead of Jurassic Park, for Kurosawa I would have added Stray Dog (1949) and for Woody Allen definitely Hannah and Her Sisters (1986). Great list though"

"Grindhouse should have been a lot more successful than it was, I wish I could see it in its entirety on DVD."

"I don't know why you have Avril at no. 1 for, maybe for not looking so "raccoonish" in her school years."

"White Zombie - Astro Creep: 2000 -- Songs of Love, Destruction, and Other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head (1995)"

"Citizen Kane is probably the best movie on this list and you have a lot more from Truffaut to see than the two you mentioned."

"Good list and thanks for putting the Flaming Lips on there, my personal fave. (New album coming next week!) Although you did forget Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town by Pearl Jam from t"

"Thanks for making this list. I've never seen any filmmaker quite like Almodóvar."

"You must be about 10 years old if you haven't seen any of these!"

"Aren't you taking into account where the movie was filmed? The majority of Gladiator was filmed in Morocco."

"Wow I love this list! How long did it take you to put it together?"

"Awesome list! I have all of these up until Super Mario World for SNES. I remember playing that very first game for hours and hours a little over 20 years ago."

"Thanks for doing your part but you have to add many more!"

"And I strongly resent Hilary Duff being on this list!! She will be mine one day. Oh yes, she will be mine..."

"I've only played A Link to the Past, the sole game for SNES and yet it's my favorite game on that system!"

"Thank goodness. You couldn't have this list without... Bennett!!"

"These are all great titles on a great list, but Shoah (1985) should be at the very top of it."

"Thank you for posting this! I applaud anyone bringing attention to the most imaginative animator the world has ever known! And wow I never knew he did all these shorts including a sequel to Totoro!! I"

"In The Notebook I think Noah must have fed Allie some kind of cyanide pill off camera and then took one himself. Otherwise how else to explain how they both die simultaneously like that?"