"I haven't seen the movie but Ralph Fiennes & Jennifer Lopez in Maid in Manhattan seems to me like one of the worst screen pairings in movie history. I could be wrong though."

"Check out the movie Fat Girl (2001) from France. It's on Criterion DVD."

"Don't forget these people have access to the best cosmetic products in the world, so some of them may not be what they appear to be. But there are some who are naturally beautiful like several of thes"

"The Grudge has to be the best revenge movie ever!! Well this version anyway."

"The Madonna one is an improvement over the way she looks now."

"What a great list! There should be more of these on here!"

""The monologue Hanks delivers at the grave site caused grown men."?"

"What about Frank Sinatra being cast as Dirty Harry. I think a promotional poster of him was actually taken as well."

"These are all great titles! One you might be interested in is a very underrated Swedish movie called Oxen (1991) with Stellan Skarsgรฅrd."

"Great list and great pics of the real people but unforunately some of them don't work."

"It's about time someone came up with a Gray Oldman list! He is so versatile."

"You should have Munchies in here, for reasons I can't explain."

"The Thin Red Line was one of the best movies of the decade!"

"Haha I should make one of these lists too because I love watching movies over and over again. My number 1 would have to be Star Wars which I think is about 105 times, since I was 5 or 6 years old."

"I read that about Boxcar Bertha too but I don't think there is any scene in the movie where you see them actually having sex."

"Some of these are hard to find, but a certain DVD production company called Magnolia I think, puts out a disc each year of all the nominees and winner and for some of the live action ones too. I reall"

"Wow no. 26! A threesome with Rachel McAdams & Elizabeth Banks. Just think of it."

"Okay just noticed that this list is before 1980, nevermind."

"I can just see George Clooney's formative prankster years just beginning in that second picture."

"Oh and don't forget Troy McClure's comeback Planet of the Apes broadway show!"