"You have an incredible amount of time on your hands, but you've used it well to make this incredible list!"

"Easy A (2010) and Men at Work (1990) are a couple of other ones."

"Why was she making that face? I don't seem to remember that from the show. I do remember seeing Joel Coen picking something out of his ear and then proceeding to examine it before the shot turned back"

"I love all of these! I believe for Atom Heart Mother he used a cow because Pink Floyd wanted a cover that was as un-psychedelic as possible. I think it's one of their best albums though."

"Yay for Austria!! Do you know where that picture is from? Good choice for Czech Republic though! I love this list!!"

"Not to tell you how to do your list but how about Austria? I love it there. You could put Schwarzenegger and a picture of Graz or Vienna. Not sure who on Listal would represent it though."

"I've never seen any of these shows, except for the Penn & Teller one."

"The dentist from Hot Shots comes to mind but I don't know who played him."

"I agree with all of your picks here, well the ones I've seen. A few years ago I heard about a shorter 115 minute version of A.I. that someone had edited and put on the internet that apparently was mu"

"For Britney Spears a Kate Moss I'm really not sure which one looks worse."

"I don't know how you can rank so many, after a couple hundred you can probably just put them in any order, but I like your taste! Great list!"

"The Travolta story can happily be updated now that they've added another child."

"What about Danny Woodburn, that reoccurring character from Seinfeld? Kramer's friend."

"Nice to see One False Move and Red Rock West here, two vastly underrated movies."

"Wow I agree with virtually all of these. I was going to come up with my own titles but you've inspired me to make my own list!"

"Woh!! I've been wanting to find these films for years and they are all here!! You are my hero!!"

"I'm glad you didn't put a certain female from a certain reality show based in the east coast."

"Just saw The Black Keys on SNL. Never heard of them but I like them already."

"What movie is True Lies a remake of? I seem to remember the creators of GoldenEye having to change their plot because it was almost identical to True Lies when it came out, so I assumed it was an orig"

"I remember one time when I was a kid sitting down and watching Commando (1985) scene by scene and I came up with 88. And that was the ones you actually see him kill, it doesn't count the ones in the a"

"I'm curious to see this Cemetery Man since you say it's better than Shawshank and Pulp Fiction. Really glad to see Once Were Warriors there."