"I remember when I was younger Berlin Alexanderplatz was in my Guiness Book of World Records as the longest movie ever made at about 15 hours, so maybe it's not really a TV production?"

"Good pick Vincent D'Onofrio in Men In Black. I would have also put him on here for his performance as Pooh-Bear in The Salton Sea (2002)."

"Great list and great picks! I have some underrated suggestions that you may have seen: To Live (1994), After Life (1998) and Maborosi (1995)."

"Good list! I'd love to visit the fictional city in Babe: Pig in the City (1998) that contained many of the world's great landmarks and structures all into one. "

"The Score had four great actors if you count Angela Bassett."

"Just when I thought it was safe to watch movies, along comes this list! We are all doomed!"

"It's a telling comment on society since the majority of these are sex or nudity related, nothing to do with violence. Although there are a couple (like the Scorpions one) that are clearly inappropriat"

"I love your list and your summaries! I think I agree with virtually every pick and I also had Toy Story 3 as my no. 1 movie of the year until I saw The Ghost Writer. The King's Speech is now maybe no."

"1. Stanley Kubrick/Martin Scorsese 2. Franรงois Truffaut 3. Steven Spielberg 4. Francis Ford Coppola 5. Woody Allen 6. Hayao Miyazaki 7. Clint Eastwood 8. Werner Herzog 9. Quentin Tarantino "

"Great list! I would put John Singleton for Boyz n the Hood (1991), John Huston for The Maltese Falcon (1941), Sidney Lumet for 12 Angry Men (1957), Roman Polanski for Knife In the Water (1962) and eve"

"For The 40-Year-Old Virgin his virgin status was taken care of at the end of the movie, so he couldn't still be a virgin at 80. And would he really be wearing the same shirt 40 years later?"

"I'm pretty sure it was a different mansion used in Batman Returns. Oh and how does one get plumbing into that Lake House? Or find suitable storage space with no attic or basement? I don't think I'd wa"

"Great list but what about the most famous movie house of all in Psycho (1960)? And let's not forget Citizen Kane (1941), Sunset Blvd. (1950), Poltergeist (1982) and Scarface (1983)."

"1. Robert De Niro 2. Jack Nicholson 3. Denzel Washington 4. Gene Hackman 5. Morgan Freeman 6. Harrison Ford 7. Clint Eastwood 8. Robert Duvall 9. Al Pacino 10. Paul Newman"

"Oddly your no. 1 movie doesn't take place in a courtroom at all but still a great list though."

"Just to add to the whole Michael Richards debacle, even the way he went about making his apology was all wrong. He went on The Late Show with David Letterman through a live video hookup with Jerry Sei"

"Okay how about this picture? Doesn't seem deformed to me. Denzel Washington"

"Yeah, seems odd that we wouldn't have noticed it in one of his movies but maybe it's been cleverly concealed. Didn't Harrison Ford get his chin scar from Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

"Still don't know what these Jedis appeared in. But what I'd like to know is what these ranks are and how they are ranked. For example, does a Master outrank a Knight?"

"Great list! You could probably make a whole separate list for Kurosawa & Takashi Shimura, another one of his actors with enormous talent and presence."

"Good list but your profile of Katharine Hepburn is bogus. "

"Great list! Not to reveal your sources but do you know why Eric Stoltz was kicked off Back to the Future? Also your profiles of Nicolas Cage and Russell Crowe are bogus."

"I wonder if he would have had more prominent roles if he hadn't been put down (the "empty telephone" scene) so bad by De Niro in Heat. A very underrated actor in my opinion."

"Glad to see The Ghost Writer this high on your list when so many people essentially forgot about it late in the year. It was my pick for best film of the year."

"It seems like his career is taking a step back with yet another Men In Black sequel. It wasn't long ago that he was getting Oscar nominations with two and that's two more than Gary Oldman!"

"I thought the house in Psycho would have been no. 1. Or how about the "pleasure dome" from Citizen Kane."

"Some great picks here including The Vanishing but based on them and your taste I'd figure E.T. or Raiders of the Lost Ark would be high up there."